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Machine Monitoring
VMRS 200 Series
The VMRS 200 is a product that best reflects VMS's philosophy of providing simple and cost-effective solutions
for detecting machine failures without the need for expert assistance.
The VMS Machine Monitoring System (MMS) VMRS 200 is a user-friendly system that notifies you
of rotating machinery failures or abnormalities through vibration values, without the need for complex software.
It can cover up to 4 channels and is compatible with other sensors in addition to vibration sensors.
Depending on the option, it can support up to 32 channels.
This product series has evolved from the VMRS 200W series to include various products lines.
The VMS Machine Monitoring System (MMS) VMRS 200R is a multi-channel 19-inch rack-type monitoring system
with machine monitoring and protection functions.
The vibration input signal is converted to display vibration velocity, acceleration, acceleration enveloping,
or displacement values depending on the module selected.

Furthermore, there is a specialized option for ships among this product's options.
That is, it is used for detecting malfunctions in essential rotating machinery onboard ships,
such as ballast and cargo pumps, fans, and compressors, and is installed in the control room console on the ship.
  • Mounted in a 19” Rack with single or redundant power supply
  • Up to 32 Dynamic, DC inputs and 8 Digital inputs in each Rack
  • True Simultaneous measurement of all channels
  • With Alert and Danger as two independent set points with LED indication and contact relay outputs for each channel
  • Selectable Individual channel live bar-graph displays
  • Programmable Alert or Danger Level
  • Isolated 4-20mA output signals (Optional)
  • Redundant RS485 Modbus Communication
  • Specialized option for Marine & ships
Power Supply
Input voltage range 90 ~ 264VAC
Input Frequency range 47 ~ 63Hz
Input AC current(Typ.) 115VAC 1.7A
230VAC 0.75A
Redundant AC power feed Optional
Signal Input
Sensor Accelerometer, Velocity transducer, Eddy current probe, Tacho sensor (Inductive sensor 2 & 3 wires, Eddy current probe)
Analogue input
Signal type selection Vibration & analogue via module replacement, Tacho via jumper
Sensor sensitivity Selectable via jumper
Sensor OK detection Continuous monitoring of the MMS bias and signal voltage. If voltage exceeds preset limits, the 4 to 20mA output currents is reduced to less than 2mA.
Buffered output BNC connectors,
Screw terminals
Buffered output Sensitivity Same as a sensor sensitivity
Screw terminal output Sensitivity Same as a sensor sensitivity
Sensor sensitivity Selectable via Jumper
Accuracy Typ. ±1% of full-scale range
Analogue Output Isolated 4~20mA
Relay rating (max.) Switching voltage, 250 VAC
Switching current, 5A
System Configuration